[:en]While in Houston, our 2017 TOMODACHI STEM @ Rice University students had the opportunity to attend two special events the highlight key aspects of Houston and Texan culture.

The 2017 TOMODACHI STEM students visit NASA Space Center Houston! ~ Photo submitted by Keiko Kato, Graduate Student Assistant
First up was a visit to Space Center Houston – the home of NASA – on Saturday, March 11. Led by our graduate student assistant Keiko Kato, the 2017 TOMODACHI STEM students got to tour the facilities including seeing the original Mission Control and the Saturn V rocket at Rocket Park. It was a fun-filled day for all attendees and, since a number of our 2017 students are interested in aerospace research, tied in with their research interests as well.

Yee Haw! The 2017 TOMODACHI STEM students at Rodeo Houston! ~ Photo Submitted by Keiko Kato, Graduate Student Assistant
Then, on Monday, March 13 our students got to experience true Texan culture by attending Rice Night at the Rodeo! They got to take in the Houston Livestock Show Rodeo (opened by Rice University President David Leebron and Sammy the Owl) and including bull-riding, mutton bustin’, and barrel racing! After the rodeo, they took in the rest of the festivities including trying out some yummy fair food, the carnival rides, and the animal exhibits. We hope y’all come back again and join us for another rodeo in the future!